Sunday, May 29, 2011

You Probably Didn't Know This About Me

1. I once wrote a paper on saving penguins in Antarctica. And then I made a shirt with a baby penguin on it urging others to care. I wore it for a week, and then promptly gave up.

2. I broke my foot twice, both by jumping stupid distances. You'd think I'd learn

3. I just had a dream that I was Kate Middleton's best friend. It was pretty awesome.

4. Biggest pet peeve? Sharing air with people. When people breathe/blow on my face its so gross!

5. I want to be a cake decorator but in general I don't like to eat cake. It's a pretty boring dessert most of the time.

6. I've been to 8 countries. But never Canada or Germany.

The end.

Monday, March 7, 2011


When I first graduated high school I was so I excited to move out for the very first time. I had all the freedom in the world but I was still a short 8 minute drive away from my parents house. My home. I moved back for about 6 months but then have been living away for about a year and a half. Even though I've lived in 3 other places besides my parents house I've never truly felt like I was ever 'coming home' except at my parents house. It was the house that I spent most of my time growing up in. It was my shelter. I grew up there. I practiced my dance in the kitchen and family room on the tile for years critiquing myself in the reflection of the T.V. I made my first attempts at baking and cooking there. I spent hours, in the living room, trying to hang out with my sisters friends that I thought were so cool, who would eventually become my friends as well, and some such a big part of my life. I broke up with boyfriends on the front porch, cried after teenage arguments with my parents in the bathroom, played with the family dogs and best friends in the back yard, spent hours studying for tests, writing papers and applying for colleges in the library. I watched tons of movies and episodes of the OC while procrastinating homework with my cousin Jacob who became a brother to me. I became a pre teen, teenager and woman behind those walls. I discovered my own self worth, created my own unique personality, formed my ideas about politics and more surrounded by the walls of that house. I love that house. And my parents over a year ago put it up for sale. At first it didn't bother me too much because I was off living my life and trying to make new places my home. But a couple months ago we moved my parents into their new house and when I pass their old house every day it has started to make me sad. It was my home. I know that I will eventually create a house of my own, hopefully surrounded by my own family. I will grown into it and make new memories but until then, I will miss not being able to feel like I am going home.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Molly Hunter Photography

Molly Hunter is a local photographer in Provo UT currently at BYU studying photography. I think she is incredibly amazing and so does everyone I talk to! Here are some of my favorite pics of hers. Check her out her blog or facebook.

Monday, June 21, 2010

My Never Going to Happen Birthday List



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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Crazy Week!

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't blogged in a billion years. I've been kinda crazy busy as an example here was my week. keep in mind my traveling to and from places was mostly on my brand new bike.

On monday I babysat my sisters 2 kids most of the day while my mother was in St Louis. It was crazy and started at Cabella's and ended with my 10 year old nephew finding a turtle on the side of the road. After I helped Warren tear up the rest of the floor in his parents bathroom (technically his brother Austen's bathroom but It is in his parents house).

On Tuesday I worked. It was a hard and late day but I got to work with Morgan who is an amazing fun baker:) Then helped with the bathroom.

Wednesday I baby sat again. Then I went shopping for shoes for a reception and a birthday present. Went out for sushi with my brother and father and helped with the bathroom some more.

Thursday I worked. It wasn't fun. Then I had a bridal shower at night. Somehow I was able to squeeze in a 30 minute nap somewhere in there. That is probably what saved me. Then I worked on the bathroom.

Friday: Work. Then bachelorette party and then a friends birthday party.

Saturday: I was a bridesmaid up in SLC all day then drove home to get to barnes and noble and borders with warren and then over to one of my great friends Griffin Taylor who just got back from his mission.

Sunday: I went to a homecoming talk, made a cake (That I shared with Marie, Nate, Warren and the rest of the Daynes and little Burts) and read my book.

Tomorrow I plan on reading and sleeping and recovering from this crazy week. Take 1/2 a day for yourself too. You have no idea how good it feels!

Over and out