Friday, December 11, 2009

All I Want for Christmas...

Every year for Christmas I make 2 lists. One of material items such as clothes, books, etc. and the other is of non tangible things. Here is just a little list of some of the more important and non tangible things that I want for christmas this year. Enjoy:)

1. For Political Extremists to calm down a little (yes on both sides).
2. More people (including myself) to become less close minded and judgmental of those who are different.
3. For everyone in the world (who can) to step outside and look up at the snow falling and realize that not only is it a pain it is beautiful too.
4. A closer relationship with those that I love.
5. For people close to me who are struggling to talk with me and let me help.
6. To get back the way everything glittered and felt warm on Christmas when I was younger.
7. (I know everyone says this but it honestly comes deep from my heart and is so important to me) Peace.

What are somethings on your list? Merry Christmas and I love you all:)