There are many words that describe the color pink, but the one that I think is used most often it girly. I think too many people look at the color pink and think this. I agree that it is more of a feminine color and by all means I am not saying dress the men in it. What I am trying to say is have we been underestimating the power of pink? Did you know that bright pinks stimulate energy and can increase the blood pressure, respiration, heartbeat, and pulse rate. Pink can also encourage action and confidence. Pink has also been used in prison holding cells to effectively reduce erratic behavior. Crazy huh? Also in Japan, the color pink has a masculine association. The annual spring blooming of the pink-blossomed cherry trees (the Sakura) is said to represent the young Japanese warriors who fell in battle in the prime of life (the Samurai). I find this amazing! So good luck to you pink!
A New Look for an Old Tin Container
6 days ago
Pink is not really my favorite color. Big surprise, I know. :) However, I think it's interesting to look at the way colors and their meanings have changed over the years. Pink and Purple used to be very masculine colors, and were associated with royalty. Now they are usually considered feminine.
At the end of the day, I say who cares about fashion?! Just give me the colors I like to see. :)
Pink also was associated with men because it is is derived from red, the color of blood and power. I used to hate pink b/c of its girly connotation even though my mom loved me in it. Now that Sofie almost always wears it (to identify her gender) I've definitely started warming up to it.
I must admit I love me some PINK! "It's my favorite crayon." (Aerosmith song). I associate pink with spring tulips, dresses for little girls, a hot color of lipstick or toenail polish, race for the cure, and femininity. We have a flowering plum in our front yard that is bright pink right now and I LOVE it! It's one of my favorites to look out the window and see.
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