Reasons I love the 4th of July
1.Camping out- Every year I get a group of my friends together and camp out for the 4th of july parade in front of Provo High School. We spend all night playing games, reading books out loud to each other, eating thousands of pixie sticks and then leaving in the morning before the parade starts to go home and watch it on T.V.
2.Jake coming down- My cousin/brother comes down every 4th of July no matter what. I love him so much and spending time with him is always the best thing!
3.Seedless Watermelon- Do I need to say anything more?
4.Watching the fireworks from my grandmother’s house above the temple.
5.Tons of people coming into town- although the traffic sucks I love seeing new faces everywhere!
Reasons I hate the 4th of July
1.Political Arguments- Whenever you get my father and his brother’s together they spend about 8 hours a day having different versions of this conversations...
“Dave, Bush is a moron! Did you even listen to what he said about ______?”
“Rick, you know Bush is right! Glen Beck said _______!”
2.Jello Salad-I believe only certain things should be put into multi colored gelatin and that does not include the entire contents of your fridge.
3.The tinny boppers that come to sing at the Stadium of Fire in Provo. Do we really need to give pre-teen girls more reasons to freak out and scream?
4.Flags everywhere- I think it’s great to be patriotic but do you need flags covering your windows so you can’t see when you cut me off? Do you need them in paint all over your body? Do you realize paint just makes your skin a different color and it doesn’t actually cover things we don’t want to see?
5.Not being in town for the fireworks- I’ll miss it this year.
A New Look for an Old Tin Container
6 days ago
There are so many things I love about the Fourth (though I am missing most of it with a sinus infection--I love the kids). I love watermelon and fireworks, hot air balloons, BBQs, pancake breakfasts, etc. I don't love the traffic and the heated political arguments and the people who feel like they have to show everyone else how much more patriotic they are than everyone else. But for the most part, I have wonderful memories of this time of year. Can't wait to see you tomorrow or Monday!
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